Leftovers are such humble things,We would not serve to a guest,And yet we serve them to our LordWho deserve the very best.
We give to Him leftover time,Stray minutes here and there.
Leftover cash we give to Him,Such few coins as we can spare.
We give our youth unto the world,To hatred, lust and strife;
Then in declining years we giveTo him the remnant of our life.
-Author Unknown
God desires our heart. Sometimes we go through the motions of being a Christian, but don't give our heart. The poem above can grab at you and say, "How about you?" And if you are like me, you might reply, "I don't do enough!"
One of the first instances of someone going through the motions was Cain. Cain(Adam and Eve's son) went through the motions of offering a sacrifice to God. His heart was not in the right place and he gave God his leftovers, rather than the best. God was displeased. Abel out of a love for God gave a better sacrifice. Abel was blessed, Cain was eventually cursed. Give God your best and he will bless you.